"With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Are you willing to lay down your life to serve God? Are you willing to set aside the desires of your flesh to be used by God? Or would you prefer to be self-pleasing and self-fulfilling and waste your life doing only what YOU want and seeking after only the things that YOU want for yourself? What about what God wants for you? What about all the things God wants to accomplish through you? What about all the lives that God wants to use you to touch? We only live on Earth once...and while we should try to enjoy it...we should also intend to live purposefully because our time here is limited. There is work for us to do as God's children if we hope to live again after this!

#stepintoyourpurpose #surrenderyourlifetoGod #stewardyourtimeonearthwell #dietoyourflesh #beRebornintheSpirit

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