"With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

About Me

Dear Warrior,

I know you.

That's a bold statement, I know, but you're not here by accident. I recognize you from the shoes you have on. See, not that long ago, I was you. I stood exactly where you’re standing right now and I walked in those exact same shoes you’re wearing, right now. Just like you, although I knew they weren't what God had for me and although everyone around me could clearly see that they were destroying me from the outside in (I even have the scars to prove it), I refused to take them off. I wore them until I was blistered and bloody and bruised and broken and had no sense of self or identity left. And still I wouldn’t take them off. I know exactly how it feels to be you. To wonder why a God that loves you so much would allow you to experience so much pain. To feel bound and broken and empty in every way. I know how it feels to have no desire to see tomorrow and no hope for the future. What’s the point? But I want you to know that this is not how your story ends. I didn’t stay in that place and you don’t have to either. I want you to know that freedom--true freedom is real! I know, because I’ve tasted it. I’ve lived it. I’ve experienced it. And I want you to know exactly how it feels to be free, to no longer live in fear...to know what’s possible for your life because God is with you--and for you, despite the disappointments of your past. This joy that I have, this all-encompassing love that God pours into me everyday, this incredible beauty that God has given me in exchange for the ashes in my life, I want to share it with you. 

“And she shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth fruit in her season; her leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever she doeth shall prosper.” -Psalm 1:3

Hi, I’m Roshelle Lennon. I’m a Writer, Singer, Dancer, Spoken Word Artist, and Actress/Performer with an irrevocable love for Christ and an unshakable commitment to sharing His love with others.

After receiving my Bachelor's Degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and my Master's Degree from Drexel University, I traveled throughout the U.S., Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean practicing therapy, teaching, and performing. I have worked as a performer for Disney World, Nickelodeon, Universal Studios, and Norwegian Cruise Lines. I have also worked as a Creative Arts Therapist, dedicated to inspiring hope and healing through the arts. 

I have faced, walked through and come out on the other side of many battles along the way, both great and small. I am an overcomer in every sense of the word and I want others to know how much the Lord cares about them. I am a true worshipper with a heart fully devoted to the Lord and I’m excited to carry out my Kingdom assignments. My writing ability grows as I grow in my relationship with Christ, my creativity grows as I grow in faith and spiritual maturity, and my performance ability grows as I yield and surrender to The Holy Spirit.

"Never underestimate the power of the arts. Our creativity--our imagination--is one of the greatest gifts God has given us. It has the power to evoke emotion, to change a person's perspective, to teach lessons, to express hidden secrets and emotions, to unite, to fight injustice, to promote healing, to create memories, and to start conversations." -Roshelle L.